Testimonials - The Performance Breakthrough Doctor


What people say

"When I heard about "The Pause Method®" my first reaction was that of a skeptic. Being a very busy and hyper person by nature, I did not believe that anyone could even get me to "Pause" long enough to catch my breath. However, since I was going through difficult times in my business, a lot of frustration and fear seemed to follow me around, I knew I needed to do something, and since Dr. Ilani came highly recommended, I decided to give her a try.
I was truly amazed by the results; very intuitively she zoomed in on my issues, made me aware of what in my thinking was causing the shortcomings and limitations, keeping my desired success always "in the future".

Her approach was to the point - yet seemed fairly effortless, but the results were immediate. It felt as if some invisible force opened floodgates and my reality changed in a magical way, successes were pouring in and I felt totally free of the "black cloud" which seemed to be always there."

E. Austerer-Williams

The Eleonore Austerer Galary, Palm Desert, California

"I just want to thank you for the wonderful, inspiring workshop you presented. It has changed the way I look at my business, a plus for my bottom line. As well as Pause Therapy helped with my business I did not expect the powerful changes it has made in my personal life. I can't thank you enough. I will recommend you to my business assoc. and if you are giving another Pause Therapy Seminar in my area I would like to attend along with 3 employees."

CindyLynne Brazzel

Blue Coyote Jewelry

"Dr. Ilani's Pause Method has proven to me that life changing results are what I can expect. Having had one session with Dr. Ilani and the application of The Pause Method® continues to have a powerfully beneficial impact on all aspects of my life and business.

Dr. Ilani's incredible ability to directly identify and replace the non-beneficial beliefs that I had, immediately allowed me to not only be able to make new choices but to now, a year later, have a whole new spectrum of choices. I am no longer stuck in my old framework. I feel so much more personal power since I worked with Dr. Ilani. I am able to make a lot more conscious choices with great ease and take responsibility for what is happening in my life.

I am forever grateful to Dr. Ilani for the powerfully magical work that I feel is the leading edge solution to our troubled and stressful time. I believe that her results-based method is the methodology whose time has come."

Rev. Rich Lenzini

Temecula, California

"It changed my whole life"

Carolyn Carr Klein

Artist and Writer

"The training shifted my work relationships dramatically and increased my productivity"

Roger Wood

Computer Wiz and Musician

"I can't even tell you how different I feel. This dark cloud that always weigh on me, disappeared."

J. C, A nurse

"The training was far too short.. we all just wanted more"

The Real Estate Team

Palm Springs, California

“When I heard about “The Pause Method®” my first reaction was that of a skeptic. Being a very busy and hyper person by nature, I did not believe that anyone could even get me to “Pause” long enough to catch my breath. However, since I was going through difficult times in my business, a lot of frustration and fear seemed to follow me around, I knew I needed to do something, and since Dr. Ilani came highly recommended, I decided to give her a try.

I was truly amazed by the results; very intuitively she zoomed in on my issues, made me aware of what in my thinking was causing the shortcomings and limitations, keeping my desired success always “in the future”.

Her approach was to the point – yet seemed fairly effortless, but the results were immediate. It felt as if some invisible force opened floodgates and my reality changed in a magical way, successes were pouring in and I felt totally free of the “black cloud” which seemed to be always there.”

E. Austerer-Williams

The Eleonore Austerer Galary, Palm Desert, California

” I just want to thank you for the wonderful , inspiring workshop you presented . It has changed the way I look at my business ,a plus for my bottom line . As well as Pause Therapy helped with my business I did not expect the powerful changes it has made in my personal life . I can’t thank you enough. I will recommend you to my business assoc. and if you are giving another Pause Therapy Seminar in my area I would like to attend along with 3 employees.”

CindyLynne Brazzel

Blue Coyote Jewelry

“Dr. Ilani’s Pause Method has proven to me that life changing results are what I can expect. Having had one session with Dr. Ilani and the application of The Pause Method® continues to have a powerfully beneficial impact on all aspects of my life and business.

Dr. Ilani’s incredible ability to directly identify and replace the non-beneficial beliefs that I had, immediately allowed me to not only be able to make new choices but to now, a year later, have a whole new spectrum of choices. I am no longer stuck in my old framework. I feel so much more personal power since I worked with Dr. Ilani. I am able to make a lot more conscious choices with great ease and take responsibility for what is happening in my life.

I am forever grateful to Dr. Ilani for the powerfully magical work that I feel is the leading edge solution to our troubled and stressful time. I believe that her results-based method is the methodology whose time has come.”

Rev. Rich Lenzini

Temecula, California

It changed my whole life

Carolyn Carr Klein

Artist and Writer

“The training shifted my work relationships dramatically and increased my productivity”

Roger Wood

Computer Wiz and Musician

“I can’t even tell you how different I feel. This dark cloud that always weigh on me, disappeared.”

J. C, A nurse


The training was far too short.. we all just wanted more

The Real Estate Team

Palm Springs, California