Dr. Dorit Susan Ilani, the founder of The Pause Method®: The Most Elegant Way to Outperform Yourself, is a dynamic international speaker, corporate trainer, executive and peak performance coach and workshop facilitator. She offers a rare combination of cutting-edge knowledge, an intuitive ability to sense her audiences’ and clients’ needs, and an exceptional ability to explain complex but practical concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
Dr. Ilani integrates alternative holistic methods with ground-breaking personal development approaches in her work. She draws knowledge from the fields of neuroscience, adult learning, psychology, various social sciences, modern physics, interactive-visualization, and holistic health to create impactful learning experiences.
Dr. Ilani uses The Pause Method® to teach burnout prevention and recovery, and proactively prepares individuals to deal with internal and external information overload more effectively and with greater ease, before a crisis arises. She works with CEOs, executives, military service members, doctors, nurses, business owners, and other professionals.
When you work with Dr. Ilani, you get five experts for the price of one. Dr. Ilani is a certified peak performance coach, certified change management expert, licensed clinical psychologist, certified neurofeedback specialist, and mentor.
Dr. Ilani has been innately coaching for over 20 years. She discovered, quite accidentally, that she is a “business intuitive” and masterful peak performance coach. With her first client, she tripled his business in three months time. Since then, many others have asked her to coach them through blockages, stagnation periods in their businesses, or periods of unprecedented growth which require change and adaptation to their new level of success.
Dr. Ilani has coached C-level executives in the entertainment, hospital, high tech, and education industries. She also has coached middle management, talent (entertainment industry), small business owners, and other professionals in diverse fields.
Today, most clients come to Dr. Ilani when they are in the process of re-inventing themselves, changing careers, improving their personal and working relationships, and particularly dealing with information overload in order to increase their performance levels.
Dr. Ilani is known for zeroing in on core and underlying issues and moving people rapidly to bottom line results.
Dr. Ilani was certified in change management coaching by the ProSci Change Management Learning Center and certified as a life coach by an ICF-accredited coach training program called Coach For Life.
She offers coaching by phone, via Skype for international clients, through individual intensive retreats, and at the corporate level.
Change Management as a discipline is designed to help the workforce cope with and implement change in the context of corporate and organizational change in order to improve the bottom line.
Given Dr. Ilani’s natural business acumen and ability to tackle large-scale systemic problems and solutions and her expertise in facilitating change at the individual level, it was a natural choice for her to engage in Organizational Change Management. The most recent research findings demonstrate significant and measurable improvements in a company’s bottom line when change management expertise is employed.
Dr. Ilani received her change management certification through the ProSci Change Management Learning Center and offers comprehensive and strategic change management consultation, training, and coaching.
Find out more about Dr. Ilani’s Change Management offerings here.
As a clinical psychologist, she worked with active duty Marines who suffered from combat stress, brain injuries (mTBI), and trauma (PTSD) in naval hospitals, and with high risk youth in the public sector through the Department of Mental Health. In her private practice, she helps people through life transitions and trauma, though her work is always transpersonal and in the context of personal growth.
She currently spearheads a nation-wide support program for active duty service members and veterans.
Find out more about therapy with Dr. Ilani (for California residents only) here.
Dr. Ilani founded a neurofeedback treatment program for Marines who returned from Afghanistan or Iraq with either brain injuries (mTBI) and/or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Neurofeedback is the process of retraining brain function to work more optimally and efficiently. The brain is observed in action in real time, and the results are shared with the individual. Neurofeedback training directly and immediately rewards the brain for changing its own activity to more appropriate patterns.
Dr. Ilani developed an interest in neurofeedback training in the 1980’s out of her great passion to understand the brain. She was certified as a Neurofeedback Specialist in the Othmer Method and technology initially in 1997 and subsequently received more advanced training with multiple certifications, as well as being trained by Dr. Amen in Brain Science Matters in Mental Health in 2003. She also audited one year of a UCLA post doctorate program in neuropsychology.
Dr. Ilani integrates her neurofeedback insights through her coaching, training, and all her transformational work.
With Dr. Ilani’s unique approach to mentoring, mentorship is a hands-on process, designed to help you know what makes you tick and progress. In her mentorship programs, Dr. Ilani gets to know your strengths and challenges and helps you break through your obstacles, shatter your own glass ceiling, and reach unprecedented heights.
Given the intimate, hands-on, months-long mentorship programs she offers, such her signature The Spiritually Led Life program, Dr. Ilani accepts only a small number of selected mentees each year. There is an application and interview process to be accepted. Mentorship programs are for those who truly want to master their inner landscape, commit to personal growth and achieve visible results in every area of their lives.
Mentorship groups meet four times per year in-person, with ongoing group teleconferences and individual mentoring in between the live meetings.
Find out more about Dr. Ilani’s mentorship program, The Spiritually Led Life, here.
Corporate and Organizations
For corporate or organizations, please request a complimentary phone (or Skype internationally) initial consultation with Dr. Ilani on designing a customized mentoring program for your company. To request your consultation, please get in touch using her online contact form, or call her at 310-281-8844, or email her directly at coach@thepausemethod.com.
Having had many spiritual and intuitive experiences as a child, Dr. Ilani as an adult sought an explanation and a systematic way to attain optimal states of well-being and a high level of personal effectiveness. She was trained for over 20 years in various meditation practices by renowned meditation masters. Dr. Ilani conducted intensive research and wrote her Ph.D. dissertation about the “global problematique” and the development of a global perspective within individuals and groups.
Dr. Ilani has a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California, Irvine. She is a licensed Clinical Psychologist (CA #22773). She studied Hypnotherapy at the University of California, Irvine’s Medical Center and is certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy (#H4781). Dr. Ilani has taught at several Southern California universities and is a recipient of several Outstanding Teaching Awards.
Dr. Ilani has produced several televsion series and served as a delegate to the European Parliament in “Taking Nature into Account” issues.
Dr. Ilani lives in the Palm Springs area of California and travels nationally and internationally to work with clients all over the world. She is an animal lover actively engaged in animal rescue and a passionate advocate for personal growth and evolution. In her spare time she paints and spends considerable time in nature.
Click here for press and articles about Dr. Ilani & her work.
Click here for client testimonials about Dr. Ilani’s work with her clients.
To find out more about working with Dr. Ilani, please get in touch using her online contact form, or call her at 310-281-8844, or email her directly at coach@performancebreakthroughdoctor.com.